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Tiomarkets Help Center

I have requested to withdraw from my investors account but the funds haven't been returned to me. Why is this and when will I get my investment back?

    I have requested to withdraw from my investors account but the funds haven't been returned to me. Why is this and when will I get my investment back?

    When an investor chooses to withdraw from a money manager, the manager needs to manually accept the request for the funds to be transferred. It might be that the money manager hasn't seen the notification yet. In the case that the money manager is unable to process the request, your funds will be automatically returned to you after 4 hours. Note that it's also possible for a MM to set a withdrawal fee in their Offer. So a withdrawal of funds prior to the end of the trading interval could incur a fee.

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    Négociez de manière responsable : les CFD sont des instruments complexes et comportent un risque élevé de perdre tout votre capital investi en raison de l'effet de levier.

    Ces produits ne conviennent pas à tous les investisseurs et vous devez vous assurer que vous comprenez les risques encourus.

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